Saturday 7 June 2014

How To Make Cake Pops

Cake pops are one of the most popular, yummiest sweet treats that have ever been invented and, are perfect for almost any occasion. Although admittedly they look hard to make, with this simple and easy to follow recipe you will be a Cake pop making queen in no time.

What you will need...
*2 Eggs
*180g Self-raising flour
*120g Butter
*150g Caster sugar
*4 Table spoons of milk
*A big bar of baking chocolate
*Your choice of decoration, (eg. sprinkles)
*2 teaspoons Vanilla extract (optional)

*Cake Pop mold 
*A large mixing bowl
*A set of scales
*An electric hand whisk
*One table spoon
*Two teaspoons
*A tall glass
*A wooden spoon
*A microwavable bowl
*Lolly sticks (enough for each Cake Pop)
*A baking tray
*A mug

*An empty egg carton or a piece of polystyrene may to used as a holder for the Cake Pops to stand in.

 Step 1. Add both the Butter and caster sugar into a mixing bowl.
Then cream together, using the back of  a wooden spoon until light and fluffy.

Step 2. Next crack the eggs into a mug, and pour in with the flour.
*If you are using vanilla extract this would be the time to put it in.*
Whisk together using an electric hand whisk.

It should form a creamy consistency.


Step 3. You should then grease your mold.
This can be done by rubbing a little bit of butter on some scrunched up tinfoil and, swiped in little circle motions all around both the top and bottom molds to ensure the cake balls do not stick to the silicone.

Step 4. Once greased you should now begin to fill up the bottom mold (the one without the holes in)
with the mixture, ensuring that each is full up to the top
so when cooking it can  rise and form into a perfect ball.

Step 5. After that you should attach the top mold on securely and place onto a baking tray. 
Then put into the oven at 180 degrees/ gas mark 4 and bake
for approximately 15-20 minutes.

Step 6. Once cooked, take the tray out of the oven and peel away the top mold.
Leave to cool.

Step 7. When completely cool, loosen the cake balls but still keep them in their molds.
Brake off 2 or 3 pieces from the baking chocolate and melt in the microwave.
Once melted, dip the lolly sticks into the warm chocolate mixture and poke into the cake balls.
After that place in the fridge for 5 minutes.

Step 8. While the cake pops are cooling in the fridge, brake the rest of the chocolate and place in a microwaveable bowl and put in the microwave. 
Heat and stir until fully melted. 
Once melted pour into a tall glass.

Step 9. Take the Cake Pops out of the fridge and one by one, dip them into the glass of melted chocolate, twirling them over the glass for even coverage and, place the Cake Pops into your holder.
When decorating leave the cake pops for about 1 minute (or until it begins to dry) and then cover/ add your decorations.

*Be sure not to try and add the decorations on too 
quickly otherwise they will just slide off.
*If the chocolate dries, dab a little chocolate on the
back of the decoration and stick to the cake pop.

And there you are, you have just successfully mastered the art of Cake Pop making is 9 simple steps.

'Do more of what makes you happy.'

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