Thursday 5 June 2014

About My Blog

For a very long time now I have been wanting to create a blog however, I have always put off doing so. A reason for this is because I was scared. Scared of what people's reactions would be, and if anyone actually would read it. Then I realized I have no reason to be worried or frightened about doing so, and if creating my blog and sharing my passions and interests on the internet is what will make me happy then I should just go for it. I would find it so amazing if at any point during the duration of my blogging life (however long that may be), that I would of achieved in helping or inspiring someone in anyway.
My blog- Rosie Posie is going to be about travel, fashion, makeup, food, entertainment, and just life in general. I feel the art of writing and expressing myself and interests for others across the world to view and interact with is such a wonderful thing. I would like to say a huge thank you to who ever may be reading this, I appreciate it dearly and I hope you will enjoy the up coming journey of my blog.
I will be uploading a new post every Sunday and Wednesday evening.
Wow. My first ever blog post.
'Do more of what makes you happy.'

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